Tis the season to seek out a funny book that you can pick up and flip through at your leisure this summer, whether you're at the beach, poolside or merely lounging around. Two big comedy projects just had book release parties last night in New York City, while another is having a party next week in San Francisco. All three also have this in common -- VIDEOS! Yes, that's right. Comedy books that are sold and enhanced by online videos.
Here's a quick overview of the three. First up, it's Improv Everywhere, created by UCB-NY performer Charlie Todd and responsible for stunts such as invading a Best Buy with lookalikes, No Pants Subway Rides, freeze-framing Grand Central Station in its tracks, and more. All of which you can view online in some form or another. Now Todd has turned his prowess for choreographed stunt street comedy into a book, Causing A Scene, which you can browse here, then buy here:
And Todd went on NBC's Today Show yesterday to promote it:
Next up: Jeff Kreisler, an award-winning satirist who just had his own timely tome, Get Rich Cheating, released as a book with a party last night at Carolines in NYC. Kreisler's book tour continues next week. You can buy the book here:
And he's also fashioned a series of promo clips, plus this infomercial:
And then there's Kasper Hauser. They have two new books out, Obama's Blackberry and The Weddings of The Times, with a double release party scheduled for June 16 at Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco.
Here's a video for the wedding book:
New York magazine has a nice feature this week on UCB's Charlie Todd and his Improv Everywhere movement, suggesting that it might not make it on TV because, well, it's not mean enough. How about them apples? In related news, Todd launched a new blog, Urban Prankster, to chart like-minded operations around the world.
Want to check in on previous Improv Everywhere operations? Click here.
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