If you caught a gander at the Sunday papers in New York City, then you noticed that both the Post and the Daily News have made their annual stabs at pretending to care about comedy.
For the past few years, the Post has cast out its nets to round up the "best" jokes of the year, which as it has been previously, really just means the jokes that its reporters can get from comedians who reply in time to meet deadline. Not to disparage the comedians who got ink out of this, mind you. Plenty of my friends are included in the annual roundup. And I know how much the media coverage means to them. Just saying that this list of "150 best jests" is misleading.
The Daily News, meanwhile, managed to be even more misleading with this cover tease for its features section. "Are these the funniest people in NYC?"
No offense to Sam Morril, Adam Newman, Nick Cobb and Dan Soder, because they had nothing to do with this headline and posturing, but that's not why they had received the mainstream media attention. Nope. It's because they're the "Final Four" in this year's "March Madness" competition at Carolines. They're the funniest people out of the 64 comedians who entered this specific contest and earned enough audience approval to advance this far. I know all four of these guys, and yes, they're funny. The funniest in the city? Right now? Hmmm.
And that's this year's look at New York comedy! If you didn't get covered by the Post or the Daily News, there's always 2012!*
* Or come up with a gimmick. The press loves gimmicks.
Shouldn't a supposed fan of comedy be supportive or at the very least do a little research? 1. There were more than 64 Comics who entered Carolines Final Four. THere was an open call in which 64 were chosen from. 2nd. The article doesn't state they are the funniest... It asks if they are the funniest and the article goes in depth it's a competition not a judgemen of every comedian who has ever worked in NYC. For comics who aren't regulars on TV it is very difficult to stand out. Competitions and press coverage like this are a God send... not something to be put down.
Posted by: steve | April 01, 2011 at 01:54 AM