Just in time to whet your appetite between Comic-Cons, the Sundance Channel presents a series of online short films called "Strokes of Genius" dedicated to two of the influential cartoonists from MAD Magazine -- Al Jaffee and Sergio Aragones. Steve Brodner celebrates their life and work in these shorts, sitting down with them to learn a little bit about their personal life stories, as well as a couple of their signature bits. Jaffee, responsible for the multiple fold-in cartoons that graced the back cover, talks about how he came up with "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions."
Aragones talks about the idea of drawing cartoons with no words, aka Pantomimes.
After the jump, two more shorts that are mini-autobiographies of the dynamic duo of MAD, plus see a MAD cover come to life within seconds!
Al Jaffee
Sergio Aragones
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