I know that Bill Blumenreich, operator of The Wilbur Theatre (and former owner of the Comedy Connection) in Boston, has Celtics season tickets right behind press row, because I'd seen him on camera before. Well, Blumenreich decided to use his high-profile seat last night to promote Frank Caliendo, and more than a few people noticed. Caliendo included! The Best Week Ever blog didn't know quite what to make of it, while the Wilbur's Twitter handle @ComedyConnect was crowing about going viral with its promotion. Congrats!
Meanwhile, a whole slew of comedians (Gary Gulman, Tess Rafferty, Steve Sweeney, Joe Wong, Joe List...) and former Comedy Connection staff were at the site of the original Comedy Connection for a show benefiting Frank Ahearn (former CC GM).
It was pretty weird when we all were watching the game after the show and Blumenreich came on screen.
Posted by: Rick Jenkins | May 25, 2010 at 03:50 PM