We're told from conventional wisdom that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if you're a comedian, the most important meal of the day doesn't always happen this early in the morning. In fact, the most important meal of the day may be even better when combined with a later hour and hybrid menu. Yes. I'm talking about brunch.
Don't take it from me, though. Just ask comedian Elon James White. Why? Because he brunches hard, you brunch hard, and together, We Brunch Hard. As he explained to me yesterday, "It was a gag that grew out of Twitter. I jokingly threw out a hashtag a while ago of #WeBrunchHard, and it became an ongoing joke." Of course, it also became something he and his 4,000-plus Twitter followers joked about over many brunches. And now he has made a music video to celebrate it. Want to see it? Here it is! Note: His rap represents Brooklyn, and may contain a word or two that is NSFW:
"I consider it silly, but at the same time it plays on stereotypes, yet again, which is what I seem to do," he told me. He wrote an introduction to the video yesterday on Salon.com, and as I know, White likes to take on black stereotypes. He also has posted regular vlogs called This Week In Blackness, and previously talked to me about exploring different types of "black comedy" in his Black Comedy Experiment. Apparently, White feels the world needs to know now that everyone loves to brunch. It's not just a white thing. It's also a White thing.
As he wrote on Salon.com: "Salmon carpaccio, a medium rare cheeseburger, and a mimosa at 2 in the afternoon is what I like to call 'perfect.'" He's not the only one warming up to brunch. I've read a couple of trend pieces in the New York Times in the past year about how brunch isn't for old fuddyduddies anymore. Here's one from March 2009 about Saturday brunch parties; another from December 2009 about brunching in bars. White told me he's busy posting his own brunching commandments to follow. "1st Rule. Make your own rules," he said. And if you're in Brooklyn, White recommends The Spot.
This Is Why I Brunch:
Posted by: Frank Brown | February 23, 2010 at 04:36 PM