Joe Mande already has proven himself to be someone to watch on the New York City comedy circuit -- earning himself "emerging comic" honors in 2008 at the ECNYs -- and now one of his new blogs has earned him a book deal!
His blog is a photo-based Tumblr called, LATFH (or "Look at this f***ing hipster"), with photos of said hipsters followed by Mande's snarky captions. He started it a couple of months ago, and he's already sold the book rights. Here's the Publishers Weekly blurb. Yep. That's it. Bet you're kicking yourself for not thinking of it first! The book will come out in spring 2010, or as Mande wrote to Gawker yesterday: "Unless people suddenly stop doing cocaine during the day, in which case it may take a bit longer." Mande had previously given an "anonymous" interview about the blog to fellow NYC comedian Max Silvestri when Silvestri was guest-blogging on Gawker in May.
Mande and comedy partner Noah Garfinkel also continue to co-host the popular "Totally J/K" showcase (currently monthly at the UCB, including tonight). They're also co-hosting this Thursday's "Comedy Below Canal" showcase at the 92YTribeca.
He couldn't say much more about the book, so I asked him how his hipster idea succeeded so much more quickly than his "Andy Rooney Game." We chatted briefly about this on Facebook. If you'd like to see that, it's after the jump...
I don't know
why this blog is popular and the andy rooney game is not
the world is a retarded place
Or did you do the hipster blog thinking you could get that book, then parlay that into a tome about the wonders of Andy Rooney?
yeah, that was my plan exactly
my second book will be all about how crazy Andy Rooney is
I suppose you really need to see Andy to fully understand his crazy anyhow
yeah. i dont think it would work as a book
maybe in a few years, when books will be TVs like in Minority Report
or AI?
that's Kindle 3.0
some terrible Spielberg movie
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