If I close my eyes, I hear the voice of Harland Williams. If I open them, I see Kevin Downey Jr. Don't close your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Not that Downey has the same material as Williams, but definitely the voice. But closing eyes means defeat, and defeat is not an option. Even when I've already distinctly heard a comedian (not Downey) actually retell the story of Lorena Bobbitt. On purpose. An hour or so later, our host tells Brian McFadden he must stay onstage for another 15 seconds or so before departing. Which gives me the impression that each comic must deliver at least a 20-minute set to qualify for the record?! I could ask someone if this is the case, but at this hour, I'm only thinking about breakfast, and hoping beyond hope that food will boost my spirits. It's the sitting that wearies the body. Lying down helps, but not really. Not when we still have 41 hours to go...
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