This year's Sundance Film Festival kicks off this weekend with live laughs, courtesy of Seth Herzog's Sweet show. Well, actually it's courtesy of Toyota and producer Adam Bauer. But that's why they call it show business, right? As for the shows, if you're in the vicinity of Park City, Utah, on Friday and/or Saturday, just head over to the Sidecar Lounge at 333 Main St. between 6:30 and 7 p.m. It's not quite like being in the Slipper Room on the Lower East Side, but from what I gather, Herzog's comedy showcase should be a lot of fun, because he'll be joined by Saturday Night Live's Jason Sudeikis, David Wain (who cast Herzog and Sudeikis in his 2007 film The Ten, which screened at last year's Sundance and came out on DVD this week), Nick Kroll and John Veiner. Oh, and there's likely to be at least one big special surprise stand-up performer, too.
Care to know more?
Well, then, just sit back and let Seth Herzog and Jason Sudeikis explain part of their plans.
I know, I know. The lighting. But I prefer working without all the bells and whistles of traditional videographers. Them and their flashes and microphones and whatnots. Just as I've been known to throw myself into situations as a print journalist, why not go gonzo in digital multimedia, too? It's all on the up and up, but a little more fun going gonzo. In the meantime, if you'd like to know even more about Sweet @ The Dance, it appears they've got a site partially operational here. Herzog said he's likely blogging about his Sundance experience on Heeb magazine.
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